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An order can be placed via one of the following procedures: 


  • Contact our orders department by e-mail on

  • Phone DSV customer services on 0860 00 04 43

  • Order via Futurewave, Orderwise or X-procure

  • Call your local Biotech Laboratories medical representative

  • Call our Head Office on 011 848 3050 and we will gladly assist

  • Contact your normal pharmaceutical wholesaler


Biotech Laboratories outsources our distribution to DSV. 

Should you not have a DSV account please contact one of Biotech Laboratories medical representatives who will be happy to assist. 


Alternatively, Biotech Laboratories stock is held at all major wholesalers and you can place an order via your preferred wholesaler. 

Contact us:

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Tel:  +27 (0) 11 848 3050

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